Saturday, April 4, 2009

Vegas!!! ...and other stuff

So OMG Vegas was fun! Not that I expected anything less from the place... its like the party capital of the world. So we got there Tuesday afternoon, and went shopping at the outlets (a lot of my babies have bdays this month... lots of presents to get). Then we got back to the hotel room (we stayed at the Tropicana) and got ready for dinner. I had looked up the best sushi places, so we went to this place at Caesar's Palace... very yummy. It was kinda funny though because we didn't know it was gunna be fancy and Matt was just wearing shorts, a yellow lifeguard shirt, and flip flops...he felt out of place!

So... we went back to the room after dinner to change cuz we were both getting cold. Then, we went to the Hooters hotel and the NYNY hotel to gamble. I only spent like 25 dollars the 2 days we were there, Matt spent like 35 (on gambling that is). We only stayed out until midnight both days... we are such old ppl. We wake up so early that its hard to stay up/out late. No biggie though... less money spent! The 2nd day we went to the breakfast buffet (YUMMY) and just walked around, went to the M&M world store (got David a cup) and went out to dinner at the Harley Davidson Restaurant (yummy brisket sandwich!)... then we went and gambled some and went to hooters at like 11 for hot wings! lol i have been wanting wings for a while now... and it was right next door!

But... when we left the bad part of my week started. On Monday, my back passenger tire had a nail in it, so i had to get a new tire. So I was very surprised to see my tire almost flat when we were getting gas before leaving Vegas!! We filled it up with air, looked for a nail or hole and couldn't find anything. So, we figured they must have put it on wrong or that the new tire was defective or something. We kept checking it every 40 or 50 miles and filled it up twice. We brought it in to the place where i bought the tire and they looked at it. We waited like ten minutes then they called us back to the work area to show me the problem... my rim is CRACKED! So it wasn't the new tire... it was my rim not making a good seal causing it to go flat... and there is nothing i can do about it except buy a new rim... Not Cheap! They are at least $125 for a cheap-o one, which i dunno if it will end up doing the exact same thing! So... I'm driving on my donut now waiting to go to the dealership where i got the car from Monday to see if they have some sort of warranty, and if they'll give me a new one (hopefully!).

So, all in all, i have had a very mixed week. Fun, hectic, shocking, no school, etc all rolled into one. Now I'm off to a 1 yr old bday party... and then work tomorrow and Monday.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend whatnot...

So I know it has been a while since I blogged, if anyone is reading this. But, I have been busy. This week is sprind break at my school, so last week was mayhem. I am seriously ready for school to be over and for summer to start because I have so many projects and an 8-10 page research paper that I REALLY do not want to do. But... I know I have to so I'll just make myself do it all.

So... This weekend was OK. Friday Matt and I ate dinner w/ his family, then we just hung out @ his house. We were looking for surfboards on criagslist and stuff, cuz he is going to Costa Rica w/ his friend to surf at the end of May, so he wants to get his own board. He has been using his friends' dads board, but he doesnt wanna bring that to CR and risk breaking it or something. Saturday was very busy. I had an interview for a babysitting job (i got it, start today)... then went straight from the interview to a babysitting job... then went home and got ready and went to the gym w/ matt... then we got home and got ready and went to the movies. We saw "I love you, Man" and OMG is was hilarious. I was seriously smiling and laughing like the entire movie!
Sunday was an ok day. Went shopping with my mom, went home, rested, and then matt and I went to disneyland at night. We went from like 6-10, and got on a few rides. It was starting to drizzle/sprinkle outside so there were not that many ppl there at all.

This week is going to be FUN... hopefully! Tomorrow matt and I are leaving for VEGAS. I have not been since I turned 21, so I have never gambled. I do not plan to spend a lot of money gambling though, like 40 bucks or so (unless I win, which I doubt). We are staying until thursday morning.

But... Today is Today... and I hate Today because my new tire (just purchased last month) has a big chunk of metal in it... and I have to go get it fixed. And hope that it gets done by the time I have to go to work. I really hope it can be fixed and that I do not have to go spend $120 on another new tire... That would suck! Oh well tho... its just money...

Saturday, March 21, 2009


SO... on wednesday we went to disneyland. It was shannon, kyle, capri, matt, david, and me! We got there at 9 when the park opened, and the adults stayed until past 11pm (we were about to die by then). We had tons of fun. It was Kyle and Capri's 1st time there ever, and david hadn't been in over a year, so to him it was all new (cuz his memory is just starting to get better). We got to go on Snow Whites Scary Adventure (?), Pinnochio, Dumbo, The Carousel (pictured above), Roger Rabbit, Buzzlightyear AstroBlasters, Pirates of the Carribbean, and got to see and get autographs from Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse, and Goofy (capri got Alice's too but she was walking away and i couldnt catch her).

After Dumbo... Capri looks so stiff and David has his Cheesy smile on!!

Capri got picked up by her gramma around 3 and then we went to dinner @ el torito down the street. David got picked up by his mommy at 545, and we headed back to go on the 'big kid' rides. We got on a few (SpaceMountain, Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Finding Nemo, and Indiana Jones) and then we went and got season passes cuz it was so much fun. And they have a new thing where u just pay per month instead of all at once, and its the same price. So my pass, with parking added on, is like $13 per month. I am excited to go back often and take Matt on all the things he has never been on. I have gone alot more because of knowing ppl that work there and getting signed in.

On Space Mountain... Its hard to take a pic without an employee seeing u!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My week...

So my week has been pretty good... especially w/ having the new baby here. He is just so dang cute...

Monday Robert and Cassie came home from the hospital. Tuesday I had school all day so nothing exciting there. Wednesday was fun. I went to help Cassie out with the baby. I brought over Authenian Breakfast Burritos (YUMMY) and we just hung out at her house all morning. I had a test in school at 4pm Wednesday, so i left to go study @ 2. So i studied and was feeling pretty confident... until the test was in front of me... OMG it was sooo hard and unexpected compared to our homework and what he told us to study!

So i was pretty bummed Thursday, but Friday was good. I worked and then we (Cassie, Sal, and I) took the kids (Allyson and Robert) to get their pictures done. I had gotten these 'big sister' and 'little brother' shirts for them, so they wore them and just looked cute. Robert slept thru most of the pictures, and ally was just being stubborn as usual, but they turned out ok. I'll post pics as soon as i get them (pick up is next Saturday) and scan them...The baby is still real red, and he has some acne still, but that's ok, its his 1st pics and everyone knows hes only 1 week old in them!

So Wednesday were going to DISNEYLAND! Yay! Me, Matt, Shannon, and Kyle are going to bring David and Capri there. Capri has never been, and Kyle has only gone once as a child (he grew up in Minnesota, kind of a far drive compared to our 15 minutes). We plan on going when they open @ 9, and staying all day. Shannon will take Capri to her moms at nap time, and her mom will keep her so we can go on 'big people' rides. David, even though he is only 4, can go on almost all the rides (excluding Indiana Jones, and he has to have an adult w/ him for Autopia)... which surprised me. So i think my sis will pick David up at like 5 or 6 when she gets outta work, so I can have a break from his energy. Cuz I'm sure by then ill be going crazy, David likes to talk ALOT!

Well, that was my week... no pics for today, i dont feel like uploading, but soon i promise!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Announcing Robert Dale

So... As i said the other day... my godson was born on Friday afternoon... He is soooo freakin cute (as u can see)...

Name: Robert Dale

Wt: 8 lbs 1.2 oz

Ht: 19 inches

Bday: 3-6-09 @ 3:31pm

He was born via csection and had a little extra fluid in his lungs, causing some heavier than normal breathing. They took him in the NICU for observation and his WBC count was a little low so they kept him in there to give him some IV antibiotics to prevent him from getting pneumonia. He is eating well and they say he will be able to come home with mom tomorrow sometime. Mom is doing great, being forced to walk alot to go see Robert which is making her sore, but not too bad, she has done this before. Big sister Allyson is doing good, just anxious to hold her little brother, they wont let her in the NICU and she gets so mad at the nurses when she looks thru the glass its funny. She just keeps yelling 'BABY!'. Well, it will hit her soon when he is home that she is not the center of attention anymore, and that having a baby brother may not be all she thinks it is, lol.

Please pray that nothing else goes wrong tonight or tomorrow morning, so that Robert can come home with mom tomorrow. She is being very tough, just looking at the positive. But, it is hard to be all alone in her hospital room w/ no baby to love on like all the other moms. And I havent gotten to hold him yet, and I am seriously gunna go crazy when I do!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Being Alone

Matt and I have been together for 3.5 years... The best years, i think, of my life. I have learned to love with him, and learned that relationships are not easy. No one ever said they were supposed to be easy either. He and I have had our fair share of fights, disagreements, but we have always been there for each other when anything happened. That picture is from out Hawaii trip in 2008... we went there for my 21st birthday, the best birthday present ever! We got to feel like a real family there... living together for a whole week. We got into a few arguments, but it was OK, and it did not affect our vacation at all.
But now we are coming to a new hurdle. Something we have never had to encounter for more than a few days or a week. Matt is (if everything goes OK) joining the navy. This scares me because we have never had to do the long-distance thing. We have always been just a few miles away at most times, except when he goes on vacation w/ his family for a weekend. I know he will come back, but it will be a while. His basic training is 8 weeks near Chicago, and then A-school is after that (not sure how long that is, it depends on what he wants to do). I don't know what it will be like without him. I have a few friends, but they have kids and lives too. They do not just wanna spend all their time with me. I have a feeling that while he is gone I will be spending a lot of time alone... or working... nothing that sounds like fun to me.
Another worry is that when he gets his assignment that it will be somewhere far. Somewhere that I cannot drive to easily. I am hoping for San Diego (only about 1.5-2 hrs away), so I could go down there on the weekends or he could drive up here. But, if its any farther, more alone time. I know that when I am done with school that I want to live with him (if that's what he wants, and it works out), but that is not until December. I really wonder if he will ever want to marry me... He mentions marriage occasionally, but he makes it seem like its in the far away distant future (like 10 years or something), which is hard for me because my best friend is getting married next year, and already has a child... everything I have wanted since childhood.
My whole adult life has been with matt. We met just before my 18th birthday, and haven't been far apart since. Every weekend is spent with him, most meals out are with him. My family asks about him when he doesn't come to a family function, they love him almost as much as i do. I really will miss him, if he really goes through with all of this. I will be very proud of him though, for honoring our country. And for doing something with his life that is very respectable. I just hope and pray that we can remain strong through this.

Excited for tomorrrow...

So this is going to be a fast post... I just wanted to let everyone (if anyone ever reads this) know that my godson Robert is making his grand entrance tomorrow afternoon. One of my best friends, Cassie, is having her scheduled c-section tomorrow afternoon around 2! I am so excited to meet him. I have been helping with buying stuff for him, and cannot wait to see him in the cute clothes and crib and to just hold him, its been a while since ive snuggled w/ a little tiny baby. I miss David being that small and wanting to snuggle w/ me....

This is literally the last time i remember David snuggling w/ me... We were in Hawaii 2.5 almost 3 years ago (June of 2006), and he was really sick. Not eating, not sleeping, just not feeling good. He woke up from his nap screaming bloody you-know-what and so we gave him tylenol and he fell asleep in my arms. Don't I look young w/ my braces?! I hated those things!! I knew even back then i had to have a picture of this because he looks so cute, and it was a good snuggling memory... More to come with other little ones though! But he was my 1st, and i'll never forget my little David!

Now... off to school for another midterm... Yuck. One more next week and then hopefully none for a couple weeks, i'm getting sick of studying!!