Saturday, March 14, 2009

My week...

So my week has been pretty good... especially w/ having the new baby here. He is just so dang cute...

Monday Robert and Cassie came home from the hospital. Tuesday I had school all day so nothing exciting there. Wednesday was fun. I went to help Cassie out with the baby. I brought over Authenian Breakfast Burritos (YUMMY) and we just hung out at her house all morning. I had a test in school at 4pm Wednesday, so i left to go study @ 2. So i studied and was feeling pretty confident... until the test was in front of me... OMG it was sooo hard and unexpected compared to our homework and what he told us to study!

So i was pretty bummed Thursday, but Friday was good. I worked and then we (Cassie, Sal, and I) took the kids (Allyson and Robert) to get their pictures done. I had gotten these 'big sister' and 'little brother' shirts for them, so they wore them and just looked cute. Robert slept thru most of the pictures, and ally was just being stubborn as usual, but they turned out ok. I'll post pics as soon as i get them (pick up is next Saturday) and scan them...The baby is still real red, and he has some acne still, but that's ok, its his 1st pics and everyone knows hes only 1 week old in them!

So Wednesday were going to DISNEYLAND! Yay! Me, Matt, Shannon, and Kyle are going to bring David and Capri there. Capri has never been, and Kyle has only gone once as a child (he grew up in Minnesota, kind of a far drive compared to our 15 minutes). We plan on going when they open @ 9, and staying all day. Shannon will take Capri to her moms at nap time, and her mom will keep her so we can go on 'big people' rides. David, even though he is only 4, can go on almost all the rides (excluding Indiana Jones, and he has to have an adult w/ him for Autopia)... which surprised me. So i think my sis will pick David up at like 5 or 6 when she gets outta work, so I can have a break from his energy. Cuz I'm sure by then ill be going crazy, David likes to talk ALOT!

Well, that was my week... no pics for today, i dont feel like uploading, but soon i promise!

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